A 37-year-old patient presenting with pneumaturia: a case study

Case report


Anuj Mishra 1, Mohamed Azzabi 2, Mohamed Hamadto 2, Seeraj Bugren 2, Wael Hresha 2, Saleh Addalla 2, Ehtuish F. Ehtuish 2

1-Department of Radiology, Libyan National Organ Transplant Program, Tripoli, Libya; 2-Department of General Surgery, Tripoli Central Hospital, University of Al-Fateh, Tripoli, Libya

Libyan J Med 2010, 5: 4634 – DOI: 10.4176/090727


A37-year-old male patient presented to the surgical outpatients department with undefined lower abdomen pain for a period of seven months associated with mucoid diarrhea. For the last two months, he had severe dysuria with suprapubic pain, and he also noticed air in the urine during micturition. He was admitted to the urology department two months ago for urinary tract infection which was treated with antibiotics. He also gave a history of perianal abscess drainage one year ago. The patient admitted to taking a course of antibiotics whenever he had an attack of urinary tract infection. There was no history of diabetes, hypertension, or any other chronic illness. There was no family history of the same illness or complaints. Physical examination showed suprapubic tenderness. His routine biochemical tests and tumor markers were normal except for evidence of pus cells, RBCs, epithelial cells, and mucus in urine examination. Ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) scan, MRI, and colonoscopy were performed.

Keywords: A 37-year-old patient presenting with pneumaturia: a case study

Link/DOI: http://www.libyanjournalofmedicine.net/index.php/ljm/article/view/4634/5128