Organs talk and history taking in medicine
Author: Adel Ali Attia
Assistant professor/Department of Medicine/Faculty of Medicine/University of Benghazi
ISBN: 978-3-330-082472 9789959116154

About the book:
This handbook is projected chiefly towards medical students and residents. Also postgraduate hospital doctors can benefit from this handbook, particularly those studying for higher clinical degrees
· Use-friendly format ideal for exam preparation and clinical practice
· Concise text clearly integrated with colour boxes and diagrams
· Unique approach allows review of history taking in 35 symptoms from A to Z in a problem-solving process
· Introduces the basic skills of history taking including how to present cases on clinical teaching, ward rounds and medical conferences
· The focused questions are followed by logic explanations about the benefit of asking every question
· Rich in footnote explanations, simple mind maps of different symptoms, mnemonics, differential diagnosis, and alarm symptoms boxes
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