A Cephalometric Study of Class III Dentofacial Features Among Libyan Populations

Original article


V.Venkaiah, S. Goel, H. Faituri, A. Zagodoon

Faculty of Dentistry, Al-Arab Medical University, Benghazi G.S.P.L.A.J

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 15. January/July 1992:52-58


Lateral cephalograms of 30 class III malocclusion patients of Libyan origin are traced and the results are compared with the control group of age ranging 15-20 years. The findings of the present study show the following dentofacial characteristic features of class III subjects.
1. The effective length of maxilla is reduced, which plays a major role in class III malocclusion-
2. There is a significant reduction in size of cranial base) affecting the position of Nasion, glenoidfossa and condyle.
3. Maxillary anterior teeth are proclinated as a compensatory mechanism for the skeletal maxillary deficiency.
4. Mandibular incisors are retruded, due to pressure of lower lip on them.
5. Anterior and posterior facial heights are reduced.

Keywords: A Cephalometric Study of Class III Dentofacial Features Among Libyan Populations
