A Study of Normal Values for Forced Vital Capacity in 0.75 Seconds in Male Adolescents of Libyan Descent from Schools in Tripoli

Original article


M. Siddiqui, M. Ramadan, G. Vukadinovich

Department of Physiology Faculty of Medicine, Al Fateh University, Tripoli, Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

Al Fateh Med. J Vol .1, No. 1. January 1981:31 -33


The present work was undertaken to obtain the standard norms for forced expiratory values in 0.75 seconds (0.75 S) in 77 Libyan Males aged 12-19 years and to compare them with reported norms for other racial groups. The subjects were divided into a younger group of 12-14 years and an older group of 15-19 years. The subjects were medically examined and only those without evidence of respiratory or other disease were admitted to the study. FEV 0.75 S was recorded on a Pulmonar (Jones and Co) apparatus. The procedure of recording was explained and demonstrated to the subjects. To minimize the errors, five determinations were made out of which the first two were discarded and the average of next three taken. FEV 0.75 S values were calculated from the forced expirogram registered. The results were computer analyzed.
The results obtained show that the mean values /N/FEVO. 75 S are slightly higher in the older group (2.3 litres) than the younger group (2.2 litres) but the difference is not statistically significant. (P 0.1). The mean values for FEV 0.75 S Libyan boys are lower (2.2 litres) than those of European boys (3 litres) (1). The differences obtained may be due to some climatic, habitual and environmental factors. The lower mean values of FEV 0.75 5 may also be due to some methodical factors.

Keywords: A Study of Normal Values for Forced Vital Capacity in 0.75 Seconds in Male Adolescents of Libyan Descent from Schools in Tripoli
