Accelerated Growth of a Sublingual Dermoid Cyst During Pregnancy

Case report


Abulwefa Ahmed ¹ , Fadel Mohamed ² ,Abdelrezag Shagan ³

1- Department of Pedodontic, Orthodontic, and Preventive Dentistry 2-Department of Oral Biology Faculty of Dentistry, Al-Fateh Medical University 3-Plastic Surgery and Burn Hospital Tripoli, Libya

JMJ 2009,Vol.9, No.2: 149-151


Dermoid cysts are congenital malformations that are rarely observed in the oral cavity. They appear as slow growing, solitary, nontender masses. We report a case of a 27 year old postnatal primipara who developed a huge sublingual dermoid cyst which rapidly grew and increased in size during pregnancy, was diagnosed in the postnatal period and treated successfully. The diagnosis was confirmed histopathologically as a dermoid cyst. Regular followup over a period of three years revealed no evidence of recurrence. The differential diagnosis, classification and management of the lesion are also discussed.

Keywords: Dermoid cyst, Sublingual lesion, Congenital malformation.
