Original article
M. M. Baccush, C. S. Nayak
Department of Family & Community Medicine, Al-Fateh Medical University, Tripoli, P.O. Box No. 13229, Libya.
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.16, No.1-2. January/July 1993:43-51
A retrospective study of 271 cases of accidental poisoning was conducted at the paediatric unit of Zawia Central Hospital in North-Eastern province of Libya, over a five year period (From January 1986 to December 1990). The objective of the study was to identify the varied modes of poisoning in the paediatric age group, in order to plan suitable strategies to prevent them.
Study revealed that overall incidence of poisoning among children seen at the hospital was 8.25%. The highest incidence was observed in 1987 (10.26%) and the lowest in 1990 (5.46%). Majority of the cases (56.83%) were reported in the preschool age group of 2-6 years, and in females (61.99%). 52.40% of poisoned children consumed household products and poisoning by drugs occured in 43.54% of the children.
The highest number of cases were reported during the summer season (35.42%), on weekends (22.50%), and during the afternoon period (between 2 – 8 P.M.).
Keywords: “Accidental Poisoning of Children in the North-East Province of Libya