Acute flaccid paralysis of the left upper limb associated with acute asthmatic attack (Hopkins Syndrome)

Case report


M. Kara

Department of Paediatrics, Elfateh University, Tripoli Libya

JMJ Vol.3 No.2 (September) 2004: 91


Hopkins syndrome is a poliomyelitis-like illness with flaccid paralysis of an extremity in the recovery stage after an asthmatic attack. A4-year-old girl whom is a known case of asthma, presented with acute asthmatic attack post viral upper respiratory tract infection needed admission, by the third day she developed weakness of the left upper limb with signs of lower motor neuron lesion, later she was left with permanent flaccid paralysis of her left upper limb. Hopkins first recognized the unusual association between an acute respiratory disease and onset of weakness of limbs resembling poliomyelitis. Most children presented during the recovery phase of the respiratory illness with flaccid paralysis of one or more extremities. The patients subsequently developed marked amyotrophy of the affected limb and remained severely handicapped. The aetiology has not been fully elucidated.

Keywords: Hopkins syndrome, poliomyelitis-like, flaccid paralysis, acute asthmatic attack, amyotrophy
