Original article
A.M. Bennour, A.M. Elneihoum
Coronary Care Unit, Department of Medicine, 7th October Hospital, Benghazi, Libya
JMJ Vol.3 No.1 (March) 2004: 17-20
Background: The incidence and prevalence of myocardial infarction (MI) in women increases with age. Occurrence of MI in women is a unique entity making gender differences in the presentation, diagnosis, treatment and outcome well established. Aims: To find out the predominant risk factor for MI in women, to evaluate the clinical course and discharge prescription pattern and to address the possible explanation of poor outcome in women with MI in an academic hospital in Benghazi urban area. Materials: The study population consists of all women admitted to coronary care unit at an academic hospital in Benghazi with a confirmed diagnosis of acute MI during a three years period 2000-2002. Clinical characteristics, in-hospital outcome and discharge treatment were evaluated. Results: There were 67 women admitted with a confirmed diagnosis of AM1 during the study period. Forty-three (65%) women had diabetes and 33 (49%) had hypertension. Out of 67, 58 women (87%) suffered a Q wave MI and 9 (13%) had anon-Q wave MI, 23158 (40%) received fibrinolytic therapy. Out of 67, 34 (51%) recovered from their acute event without any complication whereas 7 (10%) developed cardiogenic shock. The rest of the study population developed heart failure and/or arrhythmia and heart block. In hospital mortality rate was 21% (14 women died) and 53 women discharged from hospital; 50 (94%) on aspirin, 51(96%) on nitrate, 35(67%) on angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, 28 (53%) on ?-blocker, 6 (11%) on statin, 4(8%) on calcium antagonist & 3 (6%) on warfarin.
Keywords: women, cardiovascular disease, risk factors, mortality
Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1294