Acute Non-Bacterial Diarrhoeal Disease in Children in Libya

Original article


R.L Broadhead 1 , O.P. Jaswal 2

1-Department of Tropical Pediatrics, Liverpool School of Medicine, Liverpool, UK. and previously University of Garyounis, Renghazi, S.P.L.A .J. 2-Senior Registrar, El-Fateh Children’s Hospital, Benghazi, S.P.L A .J.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol 5, No.2. July 1982:39-41


Fifty children, between the ages of three months and three years, suffering front acute diarrhoea were studied for possible viral pathogens in their stools. Twenty- five cases (50%) were found to have viruses in their stools. The most common virus isolated was Rotavirus which accounted for 20 cases (40%). The significance of this finding and the management of acute diarrhoea is discussed.

Keywords: Acute Non-Bacterial Diarrhoeal Disease in Children in Libya
