Anencephaly—Its Incidence, Morphogenesis, Etiology and Endocrinology

Original article


K. N. Bhargava 1, C. C. Rao 1, J. G. Bearn 2

1-Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, 3enghazi, S.P.L.A .L. 2-Department of Anatomy, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London, UK.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 4, No.1. January 1981:13-16


Ten cases of anencephalic monsters of both sexes with varying degree of cranioschisis and other associated abnormalities from three different zones have been studied. Though a number of other abnormalities such as harelip, cleft palate, amelia, rachischisis, agenesis of the kidney and certain vascular anomalies were noted, yet the common finding in almost all the fetuses was either complete or partial absence of the brain and the cranium. In most cases the hypothalamus, the pituitary and suprarenals were either poorly developed or absent. The incidence, morphogenesis and etiology of the malformation has been reviewed. The endocrinological aspect of the abnormality which in the authors’ view is of much significance in explaining some of the abnormal features of the anomaly and the common incidence in females, is discussed.

Keywords: Anencephaly—Its Incidence, Morphogenesis, Etiology and Endocrinology
