Ascites in the Eastern part of Libya

Original article


Tawfik M. Shembesh, Issa I . Gargoum, Fakhri M. Akhleifa

Department of medicine, Faculty of medicine, Garyounis university, Libya.

Arab Journal Of Gastroenterology Vol.6, No.1, June 2005


Objective: To discuss the causes of ascites in Libyan patients admitted to 7th October
hospital from 1.1.1997 to 31.12.2001 and to compare the results with that of
international literature.
Methods : A retrospective study based on the medical records of patients admitted
with ascites over a period of 5 years who underwent peritoneal paracentesis
Results : 420 patients were diagnosed to have ascites . in 55% of them chronic liver
disease was the cause of ascites , in 15% of them cardiac causes were responsible , in
other 15% of patients malignancy was responsible and in 12 % of patients
tuberculosis was the cause .
Conclusion : Chronic liver disease is the leading cause of Ascites in our community ,
other important causes of ascites include malignancy and tuberculosis .

Keywords: Ascites in the Eastern part of Libya
