Atrio-Ventricular Connecting Pathways of Mammalian Hearts

Original article


K. N. Bhargava 1, C. C. Rao 1, R. K. Bhargava 2

1-Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Garyounis, Benghazi, S.P.L.A.J. 2-Department of Surgery, Ministry of Health, Benghazi, S.P.L.A .J.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 5, No.1. January 1982: 5-9


Though many attempts have been made to demonstrate the specialised muscle fibre connections between sinu-atrial (S.A) and atrio-ventricular (A. V) node as well as between the two atria, yet their existence has never been proved beyond doubt. Using gross dissection methods and routine histological as well as specific histochemical methods, we have studied the existence of the bands such as the internodal tract of Thorel, Bachmann ‘s bundle and accessary bundle of Kent etc. By gross dissections or ordinary histological methods it was difficult to demonstrate conclusively these bundles beyond doubt because of their elusive nature and lack of histological differentiation. These bundles, as purely muscular bands are of very little importance in playing any role in conducting the impulse. However, we have been able to demonstrate the presence of cholinesterase positive myoneural elements in places where some of these bands are described, especially those passing through the interatrial septa. The two atria have abundance of cholinesterase containing fibres and other neural elements which establish connections between the two nodes and continuity between the two atria in addition to the conducting system, (Purkinje fibre pathway). These may certainly play a significant role in the propagation and modification of the impulses and provide additional alternative pathways for conduction of the cardiac impulses.

Keywords: Atrio-Ventricular Connecting Pathways of Mammalian Hearts
