Original article
Alewa W. Alewa 1, Iftikhar Ahmed 2, Tushani A. Hafiz 3, Ollar Gyorgy 4
1-Chief of Cardio-vascular surgery, Tajoura Cardiac Centre, M.B.F.A. (University of Viena). 2-Chief of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Unit Section Tajoura Cardiac Centre. 3-Tajoura Cardiac Centre. 4-Chief of the Blood Bank, Tajoura Hospital.
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.8, No.2 July 1985:163-165
Three cases with rare blood groups have been submitted to successful open heart surgery, using patient’s own blood. By this technique new scope is opened up for patients, undergoing any type of surgery, if the patient’s condition allows.
Keywords: Autologous Blood Transfusion in Patients with Difficult Blood Groups Undergoing Open Heart Surgery