Albtoush OM, Taib AA, Horger M, Springer F.
Skeletal Radiol. 2018 May;47(5):699-702. doi: 10.1007/s00256-017-2825-0. Epub 2017 Nov 23.
The pes anserinus is a common tendon comprising the tendinous insertions of the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscles. It inserts at the anteromedial aspect of the tibia and plays a significant role in stabilization of the medial side of the knee joint. The current article presents a case with recurrent lateral patellar dislocations causing chronic stress along the medial knee stabilizers and consecutive enthesophyte formation at the insertion of the pes anserinus tendon that showed a transverse fracture upon a subsequent incident of traumatic lateral patellar dislocation. Avulsion injuries of the pes anserinus tendon are rarely encountered, and to our knowledge, association with recurrent lateral patellar dislocations has not been described before.
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Link/DOI: 10.1007/s00256-017-2825-0