Better Infant Health in Benghazi (1989), Libyan Jamahiriya

Original article


R. Singh, A. Al-Toweir

Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Arab Medical University, Benghazi, G. S.P.L.A.J.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.13, No.1-2. January/July 1990:7-15


During the year 1989, in Bengha7i municipality, 17,771 live births and 503 infant deaths were recorded. The infant mortality rate (IMR) per 1000 live births for males, females and both sexes was 32.1, 24.3 and 28.3 respectively. The proportion of infant deaths during the neonatal (0-27) period of life was 70.6 percent and during the postneonatal period was 29.4 percent. The proportion of infant deaths by month varied from 5% in June to 11.1% in December. The common medical causes of infant mortality, in descending order of frequency, were: certain conditions originating in perinatal period (27.6%), diseases of respiratory system (15.3%), congenital anomalies (11.9%), infectious and parasitic diseases (11.7%), symptoms and ill defined conditions (9.3%) and diseases of nervous system (5.6%). None of the common childhood infections included in the immunization programme was reported to have caused infant death. Medical causes. Medical causes of infant mortality in Benghazi were similar to those reported from Kuwait and the industrialized countries. Measures for further prom otion of infant health and further reduction of infant mortality are discussed in this paper.

Keywords: Better Infant Health in Benghazi (1989), Libyan Jamahiriya
