Original article
M.M. Baccush, CS. Nayak
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 15. January/July 1992:35-42
This study included 350 mothers from the urban community of Tripoli. 94.3% mothers had initiated breast-feeding for various periocds, 47.9% of whom fed their children for less than one month and only 13.94% fed upto six months and above.
Breast-feeding was positively associated with maternal factors like higher age (35 years and above) or parity (5 and above) non-schooling or non-working motherhood, low income group, and ???? family system. However, prolonged duration of breast-feeding was associated maximum between 25 to 34 years by age and between 5 to 9 by parity. The main reasons for commencement of artificial feeding were insufficient breast milk (47.43%) and subsequent pregnancy (12.57%).
Keywords: Breast Feeding Practice in an Urban Population of Tripoli, Libya