Bronchial Carcinoma in a New Environment

Short communication


Nagib Fallah and Majid Hamid Al-Mutter

Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,University of Al-Tahadi,Sirt-Libya

JMJ Vo1.7 No.1 (Spring) 2007:65-67


Objective: Tumours were visible in 54 out of the 150 patients bronchoscopied; and in 3 patients the tumour was peripheral. Although the incidence of bronchial carcinoma was low as compared to that of the West, the incidence is rising. The majority of patients were between the age of 55 and 64 years Method: Bronchoscopies were carried out with fibre optic bronchoscope (Olympus B F 1T30) under local xylocaine spray anaesthesia on 150 patients during the period between 10.04.03 and 28.10.05. Results: There was significantly higher incidence of tumour occurring in upper lobes, particularly on the right side. Of the 54 visible tumours, biopsy histology was positive for bronchial carcinoma in 32 (59.2 percent) patients; of which 12 (36.3 percent) were squamous cell carcinoma, and 15 (45.4 percent) were anaplastic carcinoma. This shows a significantly higher occurrence of anaplastic type of bronchial carcinoma in the area. Conclusions: This Study suggests that a dense shadow in the right upper lobe in the X-ray of a smoker should be considered as a bronchial carcinoma, unless proved otherwise.

Keywords: Bronchial carcinoma, Bronchoscopy, Squamous cell carcinoma, anaplastic carcinoma.
