Cardiac Anaesthesia-Comparison of Two Methods Used at Tajoura Cardiac Centre

Original article


Iftikhar Ahmed 1, Alewa M. Alewa 2, Suleiman Daoud 3

1-Head and Consultant Anaesthesiologist, Tajoura Cardiac Centre. 2-Head of the Tojoura Cardiac Centre. 3-Department of A4naesthesia. Tajoura Cardiac Centre.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 8, No.1. July 1984: 51-54


Fentanyl in ultra high dosage with Oxygen and air was used as a sole anaesthetic agent in a group of patients under going a variety of open heart surgery. The other group consisted of the conventional use of Morphine-Nitrous oxide anaesthesia. We found a significant difference in the haemodynamics in the two groups. Cardio-vascular haemodynamics remained constantly stable in the fentanyl group, while Morphine-N2O anaesthesia caused a marked depression of the cardiovascular system.

Keywords: Cardiac Anaesthesia-Comparison of Two Methods Used at Tajoura Cardiac Centre
