Changing Pattern of Surgical Diseases in the Benghazi Area

Original article


KMS Abdulwahab, A. Karim

Dept. of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Garyounis Univ., Benghazi, Libya

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 18. 1995-1997: 29 -31


In-patients records from Hawari Teaching Hospital, Benghazi, the main referral center in the Eastern part of Libya were reviewed for gallbladder disease, multinodular goitre, gastrointestinal malignant tumors and breast cancer, to study the changing pattern in these diseases in a decade time. There was a significant rise in the incidence of gallbladder disease (57%), and in the multinodular goitre (43%), with afemale: male ratio of 4:1 and 3:1 respectively, while the other two groups of diseases showed no change in the pattern of their incidence. Dietary, social and public health study of the predisposing factors is advised.

Keywords: Changing Pattern of Surgical Diseases in the Benghazi Area
