Original article
Mustafa Bulugma 1, Mahmud Khabouli 2
1-Departments of Obstetric and Gynaecology, Zawia Teaching Hospital, Zawia, Libya 2-El Jala Hospital Tripoli, Libya
JMJ Vol. 7, No. 2 (Summer 2007):106-110
Chlamydial infection is the most prevalent bacterial sexually transmitted disease in Europe and the United state of America where, largely pelvic inflammatory disease is caused by this infection. Most of the infection runs asymptomatic (> 70%) until patients come late with severe backache or infertility. About 4 million cases of Chlamydia infection occur in the USA each year. In the last year, the cost of the infection among women was 1.5 billion $ in US and 0.7 billion $ in Germany. What about the infection in our conservative society? Is it common? How best to investigate and treat it? We study 200 patients with signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection and mucopurulent vaginal discharge, where the ordinary culture and sensitivity test shows no bacterial or fungal growth and gives no suspicion of Chlamydial infection. 50% of the patients were pregnant. 100 patients investigated and treated, the other 100 patients were treated without testing. What are the appropriate regimes for both prophylactic and treatment policies with and without testing?
Keywords: Chlamydia traechomatis, Reticulate bodies (RB), Elementary bodies (EB), Urinary tract infection (UTI), Vaginal discharge (VD), Culture and sensitivity (C/S)
Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1389