Chylothorax In Nonhodgkin Lymphoma Treated By Left Cervical Lymphadenoidectomy

Case report


Mustafa Elburjo 1, Ahmed Darrat 2, Ahmed Mahdawi 3,Ghada Ali 3

1-Consultant Thoracic Surgeon ,Al-Jala Hospital 2-Benghazi Chest Hospital 3-S.H.O. Thoracic Surgery ,Al-Jala Hospital

The Internet Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2005. Volume 7 Number 1.


The accumulation of chyle in the pleural space (chylothorax) is a rare condition. Its causes include obstruction of the thoracic duct (congenital or acquired), injury (mainly iatrogenic especially cardio- thoracic procedures) and idiopathic reasons when no cause can be found. The acquired obstructive causes are malignant or non malignant. Lymphomas and other intrathoracic tumors can cause obstruction by invasion or external pressure. ( 1 , 2 )
Treatment principle is to treat the cause if found or treat its effect such as pressure ( 3 )
We think that the long course of the thoracic duct to which chyle is directed has an impact on the management of chylothorax in some cases. We present this patient in which the cause is obstruction to emphasize the importance of knowledge of the anatomy.

Keywords: Chylothorax In Nonhodgkin Lymphoma Treated By Left Cervical Lymphadenoidectomy
