Original article
Abdul Rahman El Gallal, Mohamed Sanusi, Adel El Batrawi, MohiEdyn El Shokri
Plastic surgery unit at Aljala Hospital, Benghazi, Libya
Garyounis Medical Journal .20, No.1.2003:94-107.
Objectives: To analyse cleft lip and palate patients whom we have seen over a period of 11 years, regarding type of cleft, sex of patient, associated problems, predisposing risk factors, methods and frequency of surgery performed and complications encountered. Setting: Plastic surgery unit at Aljala hospital, Benghazi. Patients & Methods: The data from hospital files of 6.23 cases were analysed. the results of our clinical assessment were demonstrated, and the clinical profiles and other related points are presented and brief1 discussed. Also, 592 operated cases were reviewed and particular reference is paid to early and residual postoperative complications encountered Our results were also compared with similar studies. Results: The preincisive variety comprised 59.87 % of cleft cases. Females predominated the post-incisive variety while trans-incisive and pre-incisive varieties have shown male predominance. Out of all cases, 11.88 % were oer 2 years of age, 8.35 % revealed other associated deformities, and 9.3 % had a family history of cleft deformity, while environmental risk factors accounted for 23.76 00. A total of 727 primary procedures were carried out to reconstruct 592 patients out of these 270 were performed for 135 trans-incisive cleft cases. Rotation advancement flap repair accounted for 312 lip repair, while triangular flap repair and lip adhesion accounted for 134 and 4 repairs respectively. Intravelar veloplasty was the main adopted palatal repair and accounted for 123 out of 225 cases. Conclusion: The need for additional research in this area is unequivocal. We must increase our efforts to obtain a sound cleft lip and palate epidemiology. Furthermore, to specify outcome predictors to select the most suitable method for the initial repair so to minimise the need for secondary procedures.
Keywords: lip; Cleft palate; Cleft lip and palate: Rotation advancement flap: Triangular fla repair; Lip adhesion; Intravelar veloplasty.