Clinical and Dermatoglyphic Features in Libyan Children with Down’s Syndrome

Original article


Nura Nasseb M. Balo 1, Nun M. Shembesh 2, N. Gobha 3

1- Department of Lab. Medicine (Genetics Unit), Al Arab Medical University, Bengha.zi, Libya. 2-Department of Paediatrics, Al Arab Medical University, Benghazi, Libya. 3-Department of Paediatrics, Ministry of Health.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.16, No.1-2. January/July 1993: 36-42


This study was conducted between January 1990 and December 1991 in “El-Fateh” Children’s Hospital, Benghazi on 50 children with Down’s Syndrome (30 Male and 20 Female) along with 50 normal children as a control group. Their clinical features and dermatoglyphic prints were described in detail.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the dermatoglyphic and physical features of the two groups to establish which were significantly more common in Down’s Syndrome among Libyan children.
These features were compared with features of Down’s Syndrome in other parts of the world. There were no significant differences except for a decreased frequency of brush-field spots, clinodactyly of fifth finger with some changes in the dermatoglyphic pattern of the III-interdigital area”of both hands.

Keywords: Clinical and Dermatoglyphic Features in Libyan Children with Down’s Syndrome
