Original article
Mohamed S. H. Ingafou, Azzam A. S. Sultan
Department of Oral Medicine, Oral pathology, Diagnosis and Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Garyounis University
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.20,No.1.2003:45-56
Objectives: Geographic stornatitis is a relatively common benign condition of the oral mucosa that mainly involves the dorsum and lateral borders of the tongue and rarely extraglossaly. The aim of this work is to elucidate some of the clinical aspects of this condition in a cohort of Libyan patients, with
special regard to diagnosis and management of symptomatic cases as well as systemic disease associations and co-existence of other tongue conditions. Patients & Methods: The study comprised 145 Libyans examined prospectively for evidence of oral pathology. Results & Methods: Fissured tongue was detected in 72 patients (49.6%), whereas oral discomfort and mild burning symptoms reported by 13 patients (8.9%). The condition was seen in patients from all age groups, most of them re in good general health except for 3 with diabetes mellitus, 2 had hypertension and 3 with chronic anemia. Cutaneous diseases included 3 patients with eczema and 2 with “seborrheic dermatitis. On the other hand, the alleged association with psoriasis was seen in one patient only in this study associating tongue conditions included 2 patients with macroglossia and another two with
soglossia. Familial occurrences were reported in nine occasions. Conclusions. These findings agreewith worldwide reports about the general characteristics of this condition, and shed some light on a possible familial inclination, that needs further genetic studies.
Keywords: Geographic stomatitis, Benign migratory glossitis. Libya epidemiology, psoriasis.