Clinical Value Of TSH-Receptor Antibodies In Autoimmune Throid Disorders

Original article


Taher A. Shafeh, Johann P. Nordmeyer, Christan Hackmann, Waulf Eickenbusch

Tripoli Central Hospital, Libya, Tripoli and General Hospital, West Germany, Hagen

Saudi Med J. 1990 July, 11:302-307


TSH-Receptor antibodies (TRAb) were measured in Graves’ disease, autoimmune thyroiditis, in hyperthyroidism of non-immune origin, in euthyroid goitres and in normal controls. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that TRAb may be the factor leading to hyperthyroidism in Graves’ disease. The relationship between TRAb values and Graves’ disease after different treatments was also examined. The measurement of TRAb is of help in the follow-up of patients treated with carbimazole and/or surgery. The clinical importance of high TRAb values is emphasized in a small number of patients with autoimmune thyroiditis.

Keywords: Clinical Value Of TSH-Receptor Antibodies In Autoimmune Throid Disorders
