Original article
Department of Neurosurgery, Rawalpindi Medical College, Rawalpindi,, Pakistan.
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 4, No.1. January 1981:21-25
The results obtained from the CT scans of a number of patients are reviewed. Typical CT-scan appearances of common affections of the brain are illustrated from author’s personal series.
Pathological processes are seen as changes in the capacity of tissues to adsorb x-ray photons with a demonstration of the distorted anatomy. This difference in absorption values is readily seen in lesions resulting from trauma and cerebro-vascular accidents. The distinction between intra-and extra cerebral haematomas which show as high density lesions and cerebral oedema which shows as low density lesion is simplified. In cerebrovascular accidents a distinction between haemorrhage and infarction can be made. Intracranial tumours produce visible change in a very high percentage of cases and solid and cystic parts of tumours can be readily recognized. Anatomical changes in hydrocephalus are well seen; to summarize, most of the intracranial conditions can be diagnosed with precision and very high degree of accuracy.
Keywords: Computerized AxiaL Tomography in Neuro-Diagnosis