Cross-Sectional Study Of Cardiac Lesions In Six Years Old Children Of “Eastern Tripoli”

Original article


F. B. Ramadan, M. Logha , T. Naas

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.19. 1998-2002: 39-42


More than 50% of the Libyan population are under the age of 25 years and urbanization is 80%. The prevalence of various cardiovascular diseases among Libyans is not known. The estimate of Rheumatic heart disease is 6-8 per 1000. In this survey 1250 six years old children were screened for cardiac murmurs. If murmur was detected, the child was referred to the cardiology department for full assessment. 48 (3.8%) pupils were found to have cardiac murmurs; in 28 of them (1.7%) the diagnosis of organic murmur was made. The prevalence among them of rheumatic heart disease was 2.4 per 1000 and congenital heart disease was 24 per 1000.
These results indicate that high incidence of streptococcal throat infection in children under the age of six years is probable and more ejjàrt should be in ode in the primary prevention program.

Keywords: Cross-Sectional Study Of Cardiac Lesions In Six Years Old Children Of “Eastern Tripoli”
