CRP and ESR as discharged criteria for patients admitted with community-acquired pneumonia

Original article


Bashir M

Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, El-Fateh University, Tripoli Medical Center, Tripoli, Libya.

Libyan J Infect Dis. 2009;3(1):57-60


Objective: To assess prognostic value of C-reactive protein (CRP), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), as helpful criteria for discharging patients admitted with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP).
Patients and Methods: A prospective study conducted between October 2003 and November 2005 included all admitted adult patients with diagnosis of CAP. At admission, temperature, vital signs, and blood for CRP (1), ESR (1) and white blood cell count were measured for each patient. On discharge these parameters were measured again as CRP (2), ESR (2).
Results: On admission 154 patients had CRP value more than 10mg/L, and 144 patients had ESR more than 30mm/hr. The repeated measurements at discharge, only 15 patients had CRP value less than 10mg and 44 patients had ESR of less than 30mm/hr.
Conclusions: The CRP, and ESR are helpful criteria regarding the assessment of the inflammatory process severity associated with the pneumonia, but none of these two parameters can be taken as criteria for patient discharge, as there is no significant statistical difference between the values at patient`s admission and discharge.

Keywords: C – reactive protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, community acquired pneumonia
