Original article
Aisha Lazreg¹, Salem Elhabroush², Musbah Agil³
¹- Endocrine Medical Department, Tripoli Medical Centre, Faculty of Medicine, AL- Fatah University ²- Diabetic Centre, Faculty of Medicine AL-Fatah University ³- Endocrine Medical department, Tripoli Medical Centre
JMJ Vol. 7, No. 2 (Summer 2007): 136-140
To describe the current prescribing trend of antihypertensive drugs for diabetic patients we have studied 100 diabetic hypertensive patients admitted to endocrine unit at Tripoli Medical Centre. Their mean age was 53yrs ±14, 14% were type 1 and 86% were type 2, with mean duration of diabetes for 10 years ±7, mean duration of hypertension for 6yrs±5 ,there were 43 male and 57 female patients, mean BMI was 31kg/m² ± 7, there were higher obese female patients 43 female versus 28 male, 9% of patients found to have microalbuminuria, 46% with proteinuria, 20% with mild renal failure and 5% with moderate renal failure, 6% patients were on diet control alone , 34%were on Insulin , 58% were on oral hypoglycaemic agents , 2% were on combined insulin and oral hypoglycaemic agent, abnormal ECG was found in 52 % of patients .58% on Single drug therapy for hypertension , 34% on two drugs and %8 on three drugs; 51% patients were receiving calcium channel blockers, 49% were on ACEI, 18% were on B-blocker, 9% were on methyldopa, 3% were on angiotensin receptor blockade and 3% were on no therapy for their hypertension, only 6 out of 9 microalbuminuric patients , 25 out of 46 proteinuric patients, 9 out of 20 mild renal failure patients, and 4 out of 5 with moderate renal failure do receive ACEI.64% their systolic blood pressure was >130mmHg. And 67% their diastolic blood pressure was >80 mmHg. With significantly higher female patients with less adequately controlled BP as 40 Females (systolic blood pressure>130mmHg) versus 24 Males (systolic blood pressure> 130 mmHg.) Thus the “rule of halves” roughly applies in this group of diabetic hypertensive patients regarding their BP control; however their treatment needs to be rationalized as more patients should be on ACE inhibitors especially those with proteinuria.
Keywords: Diabetes, Hypertension, Microalbuminuria, Diabetic nephropathy, ACE inhibitors, ARBS (angiotensin receptor blockers)
Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1395