Original article
Verma IC, Mathews AR, Faquih A, el-Zouki AA, Malik GR, Mohammed F.
Department of Pediatrics, Al Arab University of Medicine, Benghazi, Libya.
Indian J Pediatr. 1990 Mar-Apr;57(2):245-8.
The frequency of Down syndrome in Libya was 1 in 516 live births. The mean age of Down mother was 35.62 years. Eighty two percent of the Down mothers were over 30 years of age as compared to 36% of the control Libyan mothers. As there was a greater percentage of late conceptions, the maternal age appears to be influential in the birth of Down syndrome in Libya. Cytogenetically 96% of the cases were that of trisomy 21. There was one case each of mosaic and 21/21 translocation, and four cases of 14/21 translocation as evidenced by Giemsa banding. Twenty two percent of the cases of Down syndrome also had other associated congenital abnormalities. The unique features involved in genetic counselling in this population are discussed. This study reflects the enormous problem of Down syndrome in the Arab world.
Keywords: Cytogenetic analysis of Down syndrome in Libya.