Depletion of peripheral blood B cells with Rituximab and phenotype characterization of the recovering population in a patient with follicular lymphoma.

Original article


Abulayha AM, Tabal SA, Shawesh EI, Elbasir MA, Elbanani AS, Lamami YM, Bredan A.

Cell Biology Research Group, Biotechnology Research Center, Twisha, Tripoli, Libya.

Leuk Res. 2010 Mar;34(3):307-11.


The monoclonal antibody Rituximab is useful for treatment of patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. We phenotypically analyzed reconstitution of peripheral B cells in a male patient with follicular lymphoma following their depletion with Rituximab. CD19+ and CD20+ B cell counts in peripheral blood decreased rapidly following Rituximab treatment. Six months after the end of treatment, a few CD19+ B cells were detected in peripheral blood. These cells had a naive B cell phenotype (IgD+, CD27-) and they expressed high levels of CD38 and CD24, which show that the B cell pool was repopulated mainly with immature, naive B cells.

Keywords: Rituximab, B cells, CD20, CD19, Recovery
