Detection of Human Pathogenic Bacteria in Fish from 23rd July Lake in Benghazi, Libya.

Original article


Halima A. Nashnoush 1, , Tobgi R. S 2.

1-Botany Department, Faculty of Science. Garyounis University. Benghazi, Libya. 2-Department of Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Arab Medical University, Benghazi, Libya.

Sebha Med J. 1999; Vol. 2(1) 18-23


A total of 71 fish (38 from the lake and 33 from the sea) were collected during the period from 15 June 1996 to 20 March 1997, and examined to determine the occurrence of human pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tracts. Bacteria were cultured on Mac Conkey agar. Azide blood agar, Thiosulfate citrate bile sucrose agar, Xylose lysine deoxycholate agar, Selenite-F-broth and APW pH 8.6-9. The isolates were subcultured to have a pure colonies, and were identified according to the criteria provided by Cowanand Steel, Bergy’s Manual and ‘API2OE system. The result showed that the incidence of bacteria was higher in lake fish than sea fish. Vibrio cholerae non 01 were detected in 10 (26.32%) out of 38 lake fish, while these species were not isolated from sea fish, Salmonella spp. were found in 4 (J.53%) out of 38 lake fish, while sea fish did not harbour salmonella.

Keywords: Detection of Human Pathogenic Bacteria in Fish from 23rd July Lake in Benghazi, Libya.
