Determination of Pont’s Index Value for Libyans (Comparative study to North Indians and Korkhaus Orthometer values)

Original article


Hussein E Elfaituri 1; Mohamed S. H. Ingafou 2

1-Department of Orthodontics, 2-Department of Oral Medicine, Oral pathology,

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 22, No.1. 2005:47-52


Background: The combined mesiodistal width of permanent upper central and lateral incisors can help in predicting the ideal inter premolar and inter molar upper arch widths by calculating Pont’s index (P1). This index has been known to vary between different ethnic groups.
Aims: This study was undertaken in the year 2004 to determine PT for the Libyans.
Setting: Dental Faculty. Benghazi.
Materials and Methods: Measurements had been carried out on a sample of 100 dental casts drawn equally from both sexes of patients with normal occlusion.
Results: The Pont’s index for premolars was 86.14 and for the molars it was 65.95.
Conclusion: Prediction table for the ideal premolar and molar widths was created by calculating regression coefficients. The findings of present study were compared to those of North Indian study and to the German Korhaus orthometer.

Keywords: Pont index, Libyan Orthodontics, Dental research.
