Dexamethasone Treatment and the Outcome of Bacterial Meningitis

Original article


YM Gassar

El-Fateh Children Hospital, Benghazi Libya, Holder of a Libyan scholarship at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 18. 1995-1997: 17 -22


Steroids show marked modulation in inflammatory processes in experimental meningitis, but their use in the clinical field remains controversial (6,7,9,11).
This study deals with 186 cases of bacterial meningitis, 89 were treated in Hungarian while 97 in Libyan pediatric departments, between 1983 and 1993. These two groups of patients are divided into two subgroups according to whether they received steroids or not.
The two subgroups in each countly were matched and compared with the other country. The comparison included the clinical examination, laboratory results, neurological sequelae, total duration of hospitalization, mortality rate, etc. This study confirms that the use of steroids, as an adjunctive therapy in bacterial meningitis is encouraging, as it reduces mortality and sequelae except hearing impairment.

Keywords: Dexamethasone Treatment and the Outcome of Bacterial Meningitis
