Diabetes insipidus as a consequence of neurologic involvement in Behcet’s syndrome.

Case Report


Szymajda A, Eledrisi MS, Patel R, Chaljub G, Cepeda E, Kaushik P.

Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, and Metabolism, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas 77555, USA.

Endocr Pract. 2003 Jan-Feb;9(1):33-5.


Objective: To describe a case of central diabetes insipidus that was associated with Behcet’s syndrome. Methods: We present a case report, including clinical, laboratory, and radiologic data. The pertinent literature is reviewed relative to diabetes insipidus and Behcet’s syndrome, and a discussion about a possible association is presented. Results: A 32-year-old man presented with diplopia and severe headaches and was found to have transverse sinus thrombosis. He reported having recurrent mouth and genital ulcers for 3 months before the current consultation. On the basis of the clinical picture, Behcet’s syndrome was diagnosed. During hospitalization of the patient, polyuria and polydipsia developed, along with hypernatremia and hypotonic urine, indicative of diabetes insipidus. After desmopressin treatment was initiated, considerable improvement in clinical status and laboratory data was evident and persisted during follow-up. Conclusion: Behcet’s syndrome, probably through vasculitic mechanisms, may result in central diabetes insipidus. This case report emphasizes that Behcet’s syndrome should be considered in the differential diagnosis of diabetes insipidus.

Keywords: Diabetes insipidus as a consequence of neurologic involvement in Behcet’s syndrome.

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