Dispensing of Narcotics in Central Pharmacy, Ward Pharmacies, Central Hospital, Tripoli.

Short communication


K. A. Javaid 1, M. S. Akhtar 2

1-Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Fateh University, Tripoli. 2-Hospital Pharmacist, Central Hospital, Tripoli, S.P.L.A.J.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 3, No.2. July 1980:89-91


The following guidelines are observed in the use, dispensing and distribution of narcotics from the Ministry of Health to Central Pharmacy and to unit-pharmacies.
The strict requirements about the authenticity of the people handling these drugs are meant to prevent any misuse by unauthorized people. Check and control of inventory and maintenance of the narcotic register properly with all the necessary information will avoid any pilferage or misuse of the narcotics. Safe custody of narcotic substances is emphasized to prevent any breakage or theft from the stock.

Keywords: Dispensing of Narcotics in Central Pharmacy, Ward Pharmacies, Central Hospital, Tripoli.
