Original article
M. M. Baccush, S. Oommen, O. Abusnina
Department of Family & Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Great Al-Fateb University of Medical Sciences, Tripoli,G.S.P.L.A.J.
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.16, No.1-2. January/July 1993:14-20
Out of 1169 delivered women, 932 (79.8%) used haematenics and other drugs during pregnancy. A range of 1-6 drug preparations per woman was noted. The majority of mothers attending antenatal care, 777(86.5%), consumed drugs. By age and parity, more usage was observed by the age group 25 – 29 years; 340 women (84%), and by multigravidas, 717 women (83%). Among 165 women (17.7%), the drugs were self-medicated. A large number of women, 756(81.1%), had only consumed multi vitamins, folic acid and iron, followed by antacids 209 (22.4%), and analgesics 135 (14.5%). Various other drugs such as antiemetics, antibiotics, antispasmodics and bronchodilators were also used by some women. During the third trimester, 396 women (42.48%) were on drugs.
Further prospective studies are needed to study the effect of drugs on maternal and child health in Libya.
Keywords: Drug Consumption Pattern among Libyan Women during Pregnancy