Effect of furazolidone on tissue sulphydryl groups, ascorbic acid, and lipid peroxide levels in the rat, and the influence of dimethylsulphoxide thereon.

Original article


Ali BH.

Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Arab Medical University, Benghazi, Libya.

Pharmacol Res. 1992 Apr;25(3):247-54.


The concentrations of sulphydryl groups (SH), ascorbic acid (AA) and lipid peroxide (LP) were measured in the liver, kidney and brain of rats 24 h after treatment with furazolidone at single oral doses of 75, 150 and 300 mg/kg. The drug produced significant reductions in the concentrations of SH, and significant increases in the concentrations of LP, in the tissues studied. The level of AA was significantly decreased in the livers (but not the kidneys or brains) of rats treated with furazolidone at a dose of 300 mg/kg. The concentrations of AA in the tissues of rats treated with lower doses were unaffected. In another experiment, furazolidone was given orally to rats at a dose of 300 mg/kg, together with a subcutaneous injection of dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) at a dose of 8 g/kg, and SH measured in the liver 24 h later. DMSO alone had no significant effect on SH concentration. However, when DMSO was given concomitantly with furazolidone, SH concentration was significantly less depressed than when furazolidone was given alone. It is concluded that DMSO protected tissues against toxicity induced by furazolidone.

Keywords: furazolidone; glutathione; ascorbic acid; dimethylsulphoxide; rats; sulphydryl groups

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