Effect of parity status and age of Libyan mothers on body length and birth weight of newborn infants. A comparative study

Original article


Baars F.

Zentralbl Gynakol. 1987;109(2):119-25.


The parity status (p.s.) (1st to greater than or equal to 14th para) of 3,283 mothers, who have been delivered in the Central Hospital of Az Zawiyah/Libya between 1980 to 1983, had as well as to the length (average total increase 1.6 cm) and to the birthweight (average total increase 475.9 g) a rising influence with growing order number. This can be described for the birthweight (b.w.) by a founded equation: b.w. = 2691.5337 + 607.2859 X p.s.0.2. The connections are more clear, than in the control group of our own hospital. The results are statistical verified. By way of possible causes are discussed the short interval of deliveries by relative small average age of mothers, fortified reactions of endocrinological system and the specific spatial and functional relations in uterus of multiparity. The increasing frequency of male births by higher age of mothers affects the average weight in the high multipara.

Keywords: Effect of parity status and age of Libyan mothers on body length and birth weight of newborn infants. A comparative study
