Effects of an awareness symposium on perception of Libyan physicians regarding telemedicine.

Original article


El Gatit AM 1,2 , Tabet AS 3, Sherief M 3, Warieth G 3, Abougharsa M 3, Abouzgaia H 3

1-Department of Surgery and Cardiovascular Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Omar Al-Mokhtar University, Tobruk, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Correspondence to A.M. El-Gatit: drelgatit@yahoo.co.uk, abdul2309@hotmail.com, abdusalam@elgatit.net). 2-Department of Telemedicine, Libyan General Medical Council, Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. 3-Misurata Teaching Hospital, Misurata, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

East Mediterr Health J. 2008 Jul-Aug;14(4):926-30.


The awareness of health care providers, particularly physicians, towards telemedicine is pivotal to its development. In this study we distributed questionnaires among Libyan physicians attending a medical symposium on telemedicine, held in the period 28 February–1 March, 2005. The sample comprised 28 males and 13 females from different specialties and from different parts of the country. Most reported being confused (53.7%) or unaware (14.6%) regarding telemedicine before the symposium. Afterwards, 12.2% were confused, 39.0% showed excellent understanding and 48.8% reported fair understanding; 97.6% supported the implementation of telemedicine in the country and appreciated the importance of establishing remote health services.

Keywords: Effects of an awareness symposium on perception of Libyan physicians regarding telemedicine

Link/DOI: http://www.emro.who.int/publications/emhj/1404/article20.htm