Epidemiological pattern of Childhood malignancies In the Eastern region of Libya

Original article


Suliman A Elrnalti 1. Nourz A Gheriani 1, Nadia A Elsahli 1, Ahmad A Toweir2

1- Department of pediatric. faculty of medicine, Garyounis University, Benghazi -Libya 2-Department of family and community medicine, faculty of medicine Garyounis Un,vcrsity, Benghazi-Libya.

Sebha Univ. J. Med. Sci. 2002, Vol. 3(l):1-6


Because the mortality rates and incidence rates of specific pediatric tumors vary with demographic features in many countries, this study has been conducted to determine the magnitude of childhood malignancy in Benghazi and Eastern area of Libya where 163 confirmed cases of childhood malignancies were studied retrospectively from January 1996 to December 1999. The majority of cases were found from Benghazi and Eastern area (82.8%) (Because the cases from the west and south are treated in Tripoli). Most of them were in the preschool age. Malignancies were more common in males with total male to female ratio of 1.18: 1. Most of the cases from Benghazi were Leukemias (27/77=35%), while in the Eastern area most of cases were Lymphomas (20/58=34.5%). Because some tumors are underestimated, there is certainly an urgent need to establish national registration centers.

Keywords: Epidemiological pattern of Childhood malignancies In the Eastern region of Libya
