Esopho-Pericardial-Bronchial Fistula Managed non Surgical

Case report


H. A. Maghur*, M. A. Elbur**, M. P. Sgalis**, A. K. Uwaydah**

*TMC, Tripoli, Libya, **Zayed Military Hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE

JMJ Vol. 2, No. 3 (March 2003): 66-68


Esopho-Pericardial and Esopho -Bronchial Fistulae are rare entities and have been described to occur in solo. When diagnosed, surgical intervention has been the traditional way of treatment. We report a case of acquired fistula that occurred between a mid oesophageal diverticulum on the one hand and pericardium and left bronchus on the other hand, presenting initially as pericarditis then causing cardiac tamponade due to pyopneumopericardium and aspiration pneumonitis. The patient was managed non surgically with success. The case with review of the literature are discussed

Keywords: Esopho-Pericardial-Bronchial Fistula, non surgical treatment
