Karamat A. Javaid
Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Faateh University, Tripoli, S.P.L.A.J.
Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 5, No.1. January 1982: 69-75
Self-poisoning has become one of the most common medical problems and it concerns all the health-oriented professions. Commercial products containing chemicals or pharmaceuticals can present a constant risk of accidental poisoning if misused. Realizing the urgency for the treatment of poisoning in a systematic manner, a proposal is put forward for the establishment of poison control centres in central hospitals in the Libyan Jamahiriya. Different aspects of technics necessary to prevent or minimize the absorption of ingested poison and overdoses are discussed. The role of a pharmacist in the development and management of a poison control and treatment center is emphasized. A handy guide of first aid counterdoses for poisons and overdoses is presented in a tabular form.
Keywords: Establishment Of Poison Control Centres In Central Hospitals In Libya And Trea’iment Of Acute Poisoning*