Estimation of The Prevalence of Extra-Articular Manifestations in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Original article


Muhammed Abdulsalarn

Rheumatology Unit.7th October Hospital .Bengliazi-Libya.

Sebha Univ. J. Med. Sci. 2002. Vo!. 3(1):31-34


Rheumatoid Arthritis is a multi-systemic disease with a variety of extra-articular manifestations. On occasion, they may be the major evidence of disease activity and a source of morbidity, and require management per se. As a rule, these manifestations occur in patients with high titers of RF. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of the extraarticular manifestations in our clinic, and to compare it with figures from other countries.
This study was performed on (115) patients who met the ARA criteria in 1987 for RA. Ninety-nine patients were females (86.08%). (16) patients were males (13.9%). Age ranged from (14-75 yrs) with a mean age of (41.5 yrs). One —hundred and thirteen patients were white (98.2%) and (2) patients (1.73%) were black. The RF was positive in (97) patients (84.3%). and negative in (18) patients (15.6%). These patients were assessed for extra-articular manifestations of RA clinically, using the appropriate laboratory investigations, Anaemia was the commonest manifestation, occurring in (44.3%). Secondary Sjogren’s syndrome was found in (8.6%). Carpal tunnel syndrome in (6.08%), and Raynaud”s phenomena in (5.2%). These results were comparable with the results of studies from other countries.
The prevalence of gastritis and PUD (8.5%) was less than reported (14-31%); this probably due to the routine use of anti-acids as prophylaxis. The SC nodules were found in only (3.4%): this was much less than reported (28%). Among the pulmonary manifestations, pulmonary fibrosis was found in (2.6%) of the patients, this was much less than reported (2 1%). No other pulmonary complications were found. None of the patients had cardiac, renal, eye disorders or evidence of cuteneous vasculitis

Keywords: Estimation of The Prevalence of Extra-Articular Manifestations in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
