Evaluation of a Treatment Regimen Used in Complicated Appendicitis in Children at “ Al Jala “ Hospital, Benghazi

Original article


D. B. Gahukamble 1, Abdul Salam Khamage 1, L. D. Gahukamble 2

1-Department of Surgery (Pediatrics), Faculty of Medicine, Al Arab Medical University, Benghazi, Libya. 2-Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Al Arab Medical University, Benghazi, Libya.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.16, No.1-2. January/July 1993:33-35


This is a prospective study from “Al Jala” hospital in Benghazi, of post-appendicectomy sepsis in 146 children, below the age of 12 years, with gangrenous and perforated appendix. The protocol consisted of administration of triple antibiotics (ampicllin, gentamycin and metronidazole) therapy and limited intra-operative saline irrigation. This resulted in extremely low rate (0.6%) of intraperitoneal sepsis and minor wound infections in 17 (11.6%) patients. The method was safe and effective in our hospital.

Keywords: Evaluation of a Treatment Regimen Used in Complicated Appendicitis in Children at “ Al Jala “ Hospital, Benghazi
