Evaluation of some common temperature Monitoring sites during general anaesthesia

Original article


Masoud Ali Lfeituri,Fadwa Saleh El Tarhoni

Department of Surgery, Unit of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, Garyounis University, Benghazi,Libya.

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol. 21, No.1. 2004:37-40


Twenty adult patients underwent elective surgical procedures under general anaesthesia were enrolled in a study comparing the correlation (relationship) and the differences (accuracy) between three different temperature measurment sites, namely nasopharyngeal, oesophageal, and axillary, and that obtained from tympanic membrane (TM) taken with infrared ThermoScan thermometer during the first 120 minutes of surgery. The correlation coefficients between tympanic membrane measurements and nasopharyngeal, oesophageal, and axillary measurements respectively ranged from 0.88-0.96, 0.85-0.94 and 0.63-0.84, and the mean differences were (mean ± SD) 0.118°C ± 0.019 (P> 0.05), 0.205 °C ± 0.030 (P> 0.05), and 0.489°C ± 0.040 (P< 0.01) respectively. Keywords: General anaesthesia; temperature; monitoring Sites. Link/DOI: