Evaluation of vaccination activities at vaccination centres 2003

Original article


Meluda Rajab Ehmadi

Department of Family and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Al- Fateh University, Tripoli – Libya

JMJ Vo1.7 No.1 (Spring) 2007:48-53


Successful immunization programme requires effective vaccine and effective cold chain (equipment and trained health personnel). The health personnel are important part of cold chain, if they do not have the knowledge and the skills to handle vaccine properly, the cold chain will not be effective. Objectives: 1- To assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of health personnel, who are providing immunization and managing the cold chain at vaccination centres. 2- To evaluate systematic supervision and periodic training of health personnel in vaccination centres. This is a Comprehensive, cross-sectional study conducted to assess all (56) vaccination centres in Tripoli during January 2003. An interview was performed and data collected, coded and analysed by computer using SPSS programme. The study showed that 57% of doctors did not know the immunization schedule and most of them lacking the knowledge recommended by WHO on immunization. During observation of nurses, the results show that most of the nurses were handling the needle and syringe unsafely. 27% of nurses were not checking the type of vaccine before injection and 44 % of nurses were not checking the dose of vaccine before administration. Conclusions: Health personnel in vaccination centres are lacking proper knowledge and were in need of better education and training.

Keywords: Vaccination, Cold chain, Evaluation

Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1376