Experimental Hyphema In Rabbits: The Effect Of Damaged Endothelium On Blood Staining Of Cornea

Original article


F. S. Elferjani , T Kecik

Garyounis Medical Journal Vol.19. 1998-2002: 34-38


A histopathological study was conducted to evaluate the effect of experimentally induced hyphema on the corneal tissues with normal intact, and mechanically injured endothelium in order to document or refute the role of cornea! endothelial cells as a mechanism that prevents the escape of blood or blood components into the conreal stroma.
Hyphemas were created by aspirating, the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of rabbit’s eyes and then injecting animals own blood. The results of histopathology of the cornea show that no blood stained the corneas of all rabbits.

Keywords: Experimental Hyphema In Rabbits: The Effect Of Damaged Endothelium On Blood Staining Of Cornea
