External Ophtalmomyasis

Case report


Jordan Petrovic, Bojko Perovic, Arebi Darif, Zorica Bulajic, Radmilo Milenovic

The Zuara Central Hospital, Ophtalrnology Ward

Zuara Med J (1979)Vol.1,No.1:81-85


This is a rare parasitic disease, caused by the presence of larvae of certain flies; clinical symptoms vary. The treatment consists of elimination of all larvae from conjuctivae, suppression of irritating symptoms and prevention of infection. There were six cases of the disease in our Ward: three patients front Zuara, two from Zmelj and one from Sabrata. Their age ranged from 16 to 52. Examination revealed eyelid edema, hyperemia, chemosis of conjuctiva. There was usually thready secretion. Conjuctiva was anesthetised and larvae removed under biomicroscope from fornix. All cases were completely cured.

Keywords: External Ophtalmomyasis
