Extranasal glioma

Case report


Ghaith A Abdullah and Abdelrezag S Shagan

Plastic surgery and burn hospital

JMJ Vol.5 No. 1 (Spring) 2006: 68-69


Extranasal gliomas are rare benign tumour of developmental anomalies usually detected in infancy. They presented as midline nasal masses, characterized by presence of heterotopic central nervous tissue and absence of intracranial connection. We report a 13 month old girl clinically diagnosed as dermoid cyst. The excisional biopsy of this tumuor presented histological evidence of subcutaneous ectopic glial tissue interspersed in fibrovascular stroma. Nasal gliomas require high suspicion, imaging techniques, and therapeutic planning regarding surgical approach.

Keywords: Heterotopia, Nasal gliomas, Midline nasal tumuors

Link/DOI: http://www.jmj.org.ly/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=73